Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Possibly Future Hologram Smartphone Concept

Your future smartphone could be entirely voice activated, displaying your text messages and other info with holograms. At least, that's the idea behind Alo, a new smartphone concept that imagines a touchscreen-less smartphone.

Alo- Created by French designer Jerome Olivet, ditches the typical smartphone display and instead the voice activated phone will project holograms from its camera to show you messages, or let you watch videos.

The core of the device is molded aluminum alloy, the outer shell is a "gelatinous, supple and natural envelope that perfectly fits in your hand.". Alo will come with an AI assistant that will respond to users voice commands and learn each users speach patterns.

Need a smartphone to hold you off until the holographic market takes off? Rent a smartphone today!


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Happy Lunar New Year 2017 - Year of the Rooster

Wishing everyone good luck, good health, and all the best on this Lunar New Year 2017, Year of the Rooster.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trending in Arrests

Instead of bringing an individual arrest or series this week, we wanted to give an example of a seven-day period of arrests. Since last Thursday, January 19, 2017, here are the charge types for arrests by APD:

  • Driver's License violations such as Suspended or Revoked License, 4
  • Attempt Residential Burglary, 3
  • Commercial Burglary, 1
  • Shoplift, 1
  • Domestic Dispute, 2
  • Drug Violations, 7
  • Public Drunkenness, 1
  • DUI, 4 cases
  • Probation/Parole Violation, 1
  • Theft, 1
  • Bike Theft, 5
  • Package Theft, 5
  • Grand Theft, 4
  • Trespassing, 1
  • Vandalism, 2
  • Warrant Arrest, 6
  • Other Offense, 1

Our officers deal with a variety of crime types throughout a tour of duty. Some of the numbers may reflect cases where multiple persons were arrested in one incident. If you don't already, we encourage you to subscribe to CrimeMapping.com and receive daily updates of activity in the City and in your neighborhood.

Weekly Activity Highlights for January 15 - 21, 2017


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I've moved!

Hello dear readers,

After nine years of blogging on this platform, I've decided to move to a new website at stephanguyenet.com.  This coincides with the impending release of my book, The Hungry Brain, on February 7, 2017, as well as my general desire to have a more professional-looking public interface.  My blog will be there, as well as a book page, a page for the Ideal Weight Program, and other resources.

Thank you all for your support, and I'll see you at stephanguyenet.com.  Sincerely,


Weekly Tip - Watch for Card Skimming

Card skimming involves the unauthorized copying of electronic data from your debit card or credit card. Thieves will use hidden equipment, such as pin-hole cameras and card reading devices to obtain your PIN and card data. The stolen data is then encoded onto a counterfeit card, which is used to withdraw funds or make purchases without your knowledge.

This type of crime can occur anywhere, but most commonly occurs at gas stations, ATM machines, or restaurants. Gas pump and ATM machines can be tampered with and thieves will place devices that resemble the actual equipment on the machine in order to read your card as it is used. Restaurants are used by suspects who carry handheld skimming devices to trap credit and debit card magnetic information. The suspect may be the server of your table. Some restaurants have actually gone to use of portable card readers so that the transaction can be performed at your table, directly in front of you. This type of device helps to secure the transaction for your protection.

There are many resources on the web that give you information on this type of theft and fraud. Read the Wikipedia entry on the topic and it will give you some insight and topics to query. Here is another link to a helpful website, "Bustathief", where they actually have photos of modified ATM machines and what to look for to prevent your information from being taken.

Some quick prevention tips:
  • Keep your cards in sight. If the sales clerk moves to a different register, accompany them. This may be difficult at a restaurant but you may consider asking to pay at the register.
  • Pay attention to the number of times your card is swiped and make sure that any transaction that is not the actual sale is voided.
  • Use the credit option as opposed to entering your PIN.
  • Check the machine for any loose or unusual "reader" or equipment. Immediately report any tampered machine or out of order machine to the bank or business.
  • Do not accept "assistance" from a good Samaritan at an ATM. If the machine does not properly work, move on!
  • Use ATM machines inside the bank or business, visible and open to the public.
  • Check your bank records and statements often. Look for unusual or unauthorized activity.
  • Report any lost or stolen cards immediately.
  • If you see anything or anyone suspicious near an ATM machine, call the local police!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Coffee With a Cop at Arcadia Elks Lodge

Join your neighbors for coffee and conversation with members of APD on Wednesday, February 8th, at the Arcadia Elks Lodge. And, you can enjoy a complimentary breakfast courtesy of the Elks. Meet K9 Officer Zoli with his handler, Officer Foulks. For more info, call 626.821.2648.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Top 10 Free Software Alternatives

No one likes spending all that money on those high end software's like Microsoft Office, Photoshop and Sony Vegas Pro, unless you have a company buying the licenses for you. Here are some of the best more affordable apps that will help you get the work done.

  1. GIMP (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  2. Libre Office (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  3. Inkscape (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  4. Blender (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  5. Avira (Free, for Windows) and Sophos (Free, for macOS)
  6. LMMS/Linux MultiMedia Studio (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  7. VirtualBox (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  8. DaVinci Resolve (Free, for Windows, and macOS)
  9. Linux (FREE OS)
  10. Google Drive (Free, web based)

Friday, January 20, 2017

New Windows 10 "Game Mode"

PC gamers are by far the most die hard of gamers, yet most deny Windows 10 for a supposed drop in performance compared to Windows 7. However now Microsoft is promising to optimize gameplay with a new "Game Mode" in its new update. Its extremely vauge on details but on a post by the Xbox team, Game Mode will optimize your Windows 10 PC for increased performance in gaming, and thats basically it.

Want to test out Game Mode when it comes out but dont have a PC? Rent one today.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. Business and restaurants often utilize GPS enabled currency to aid in recovery and arrest if the establishment is robbed or broken into. We have recently had a couple of commercial burglaries where thieves made off with GPS equipped cash packs, helping lead officers to the suspects location.

During the early morning hours on January 17th, a group of four suspects broke into a restaurant in the 1000 block of South Baldwin Avenue. They smashed the glass on the front door, disabled a CCTV camera, and made off with the cash drawer. The suspects ran to an awaiting car and fled. The GPS device led officers to the four suspects, parked in their getaway vehicle on Peck Road in El Monte.

 Draynesha L. Williams

Rahmiko A. Harris / Jordan E. Hayes

Draynesha L. Williams, 19-year-old-female, Rahmiko A. Harris, 18-year-old male, and Jordan E. Hayes, 19-year-old female, all from Long Beach, along with a 17-year-old male juvenile, were all arrested and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on felony charges.

Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at 626-574-5156. Or, if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app on Google play or the App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org. APD file number 17-00271.

Weekly Activity Highlights for January 8 - 14, 2017


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weekly Tip - What To Do After a Collision

Traffic collisions can be stressful and confusing. Take the time to be prepared ahead of time so that collecting information accurately and completely will be easy. Check with your insurance agent or a local body shop, sometimes they will supply you with a pre-printed check list that you can keep in your glove box. Another resource is the DMV. There is a page devoted to collision information, including reporting requirements to the State. See the DMV page HERE.

The first thing to do is to check for injuries to you or any other involved driver or passenger. If someone is injured, call 9-1-1 and report the collision immediately. If there are injuries that require medical attention, leave the vehicles in place until police and fire personnel arrive.

If no one is hurt and the vehicles are able to be moved, remove them from the roadway. Pull to the side of the road, into a parking lot, or on to a side street - out of traffic. Evaluate the damage and if there is substantial damage or injury, the police should be called to the scene. If the damage is minor and no one is injured, exchanging information between drivers is acceptable. Most drivers believe that a police report is always required. This is NOT the case and some agencies will not even respond to minor collisions. Absent prosecution for major collisions, death, hit and run, unlicensed drivers etc, the police report is simply paperwork for the insurance companies.

When exchanging information, record the following:

•Date, time and location of the collision
•Name, address and phone numbers for all drivers and passengers
•Drivers license numbers for involved drivers
•Insurance company name, policy number and policy holder for all drivers or vehicles
•Complete vehicle information of involved vehicles to include license number, make, model, color, description such as pick-up, four door etc and name of registered owner if different
•Description of any damage
•Photographs of damage, or lack there of, other parties and scene if safe to do so
•Note lane position of each vehicle and where the vehicles were prior to and at time of collision
•Note any unusual conditions such as inoperative lights, vision obstruction
•Note/photograph any physical evidence like skids or debris resulting from collision

Remember, you must carry with you and present to a police officer, your driver's license, proof of insurance and current vehicle registration when stopped by an officer or involved in a collision.

In California it is a crime to not stop if you are involved in a traffic collision.  As mentioned above, usually traffic collisions are just paperwork for insurance companies.  When you fail to stop when involved in a collision, you can be charged criminally.  The fact that you don't have a valid driver's license or current auto insurance is not worth being charged with a Hit-and-Run. 

Be safe, slow down, and wear your seat belt!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

New Opera Made Web Browser Called Neon

Does your Rented Computer need a  makeover? Well Opera released a new web browser today called Neon that’s meant to try out a bunch of untested design ideas. Neon isn’t close to being ready to replace your main web browser it’s being called a “concept browser” — but it does have some neat ideas that are fun to try out and, in some cases, you can imagine becoming part of a major browser one day.

Neon's homepage looks far different than any other browser's. Although it still has shortcuts to bookmarks and top websites, they are displayed as floating bubbles that are on top of your desktop wallpaper. There is no obvious search engine bar either; there is just a line above all of the floating balls asking you to type something in.

At the point the browser is at now it is too slow and odd to actually become a main browser for most people, but Opera isn't exactly shooting for that. Its real goal is to experiment with new ideas and test new never before seen features. One of the smarter ideas in Neon is built-in support for split-screen browsing. Drag one website’s bubble (its tab) over top of an already open page, and Opera will offer to split your view in two. Their sizes are adjustable, though only one side of the split-screen will respond to other tabs you want to open up — the other side remains more or less fixed.

Visually it is very pleasing. The browser also does away with traditional tabs, replacing them with circular icons on the right hand side of the browser, one for every page you have open. On the left hand side of the browser are a series of browser tools; one for screenshots, another for a gallery containing those screenshots, one for downloads, and finally the most interesting button pulls out an overlay that Opera calls the player. The player collects the songs and videos available to play throughout all of your tabs.

It is now available on macOS and Windows


Congrats on Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) Graduation

(Sergeant Kollin Cieadlo and Chief Bob Guthrie)
Sergeant Kollin Cieadlo graduated from the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) yesterday after completing the 9-month course. Kollin joins many other Arcadia Police Department supervisors and managers who have attended this valuable program. The courses are offered through the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training several times each year and alternate between northern and southern California. Kollin attended 3-4 day sessions each month. Students receive reading and research assignments for each session and demand a good deal of time and effort. Congratulations to Sergeant Kollin Cieadlo on his achievement.
From the POST site: 
The Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) is a program designed to stimulate personal growth, leadership, and ethical decision-making in California law enforcement front-line supervisors. Designed and implemented in 1988 through the efforts of California law enforcement professionals and top educators and trainers, the SBSLI is an intense program based on experiential learning techniques. Students are challenged to learn new ways to resolve issues through group and individual work.
The curriculum takes students through an analysis of management (planning, organizing, directing, etc.) and leadership (inspiring, challenging, developing, etc.) and how each discipline compliments the other. The course progresses from self-evaluation, to interpersonal evaluation, to organizational relationships.
During the program, a typical successful student develops the ability to:
  • Correlate the relationship between personal and organizational principles and values
  • Exercise greater leadership in personal and professional activities
  • Increase personal influence with individuals and groups to accomplish organizational goals
  • Analyze issues from multiple perspectives
  • Develop increased self-confidence and confidence in the ability of others
  • Provide support and development for peers and subordinates
  • Recognize and address areas for personal improvement
  • Effectively integrate management skills and leadership qualities

A typical successful student is willing to learn, open to new ideas, and able to engage in deep self-examination of values and beliefs. The program is not a "how-to" course and should not be viewed as a fix for problem individuals. The curriculum provides a forum for personal growth and development of qualities necessary for effective public safety leadership.

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. Purse snatches and street robberies will occur from time to time and with good investigative work, witness assistance, and other evidence, we will hopefully be able to track down the culprit.

A female shopper was leaving a store in the 1300 block South Golden West Avenue at about 7:30 p.m. on January 3, 2107. A male suspect approached her, said nothing, grabbed the victim's purse off her shoulder, breaking the strap in the process, and ran off to an awaiting SUV. The suspect and SUV sped off.

Included in the victim's property was a cell phone which happened to be GPS enabled. On January 4, 2017, at about 2:30 p.m. the phone was tracked to a location in the City of Irwindale. Detectives went to the Irwindale location and contacted both the male and female suspects above. The victim's purse, a second purse believed to be stolen in a separate purse snatch, and a pellet hand gun were also found. A white Lincoln Navigator SUV was parked in the driveway.

Christopher S. Urquilla and Guadalupe Rivera, both 35-years-old, from Irwindale, were both arrested and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on felony charges.

Anyone with information on either of these incidents is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at 626-574-5156. Or, if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app on Google play or the App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Weekly Activity Highlights for January 1 - 7, 2017


Weekly Tip - Join Your Neighbors, APD, and City Hall on Nextdoor!

Interested in connecting with you neighbors, exchanging ideas and sharing information? We have a great way for you to do just that!
The City of Arcadia has a long history of encouraging neighborhood interaction and communication. We believe that knowing the people who live near us makes for stronger neighborhoods, and oftentimes results in cherished friendships. The way we communicate with our family, friends, and neighbors has changed significantly in recent years with the increasing popularity of social media. One social network you may want to take a look at is Nextdoor.com. Nextdoor.com is a private network that posters communication between neighbors. Participation is free. Discussion topics can range from information sharing to notices about local events and school activities, contractor recommendations, disaster preparedness, crime prevention, lost pets and…what would you like to talk about? Neighborhoods establish and manage their own Nextdoor website. The information shared on each Nextdoor site is visible only to the members who live in the neighborhood and have verified their address.

How does Nextdoor work?
Nextdoor allows neighbors to create a private website for their neighborhood. On Nextdoor, members can find neighbors in the directory, view a neighborhood map, ask for advice, exchange local recommendations, and share neighborhood information with each other. Residents can choose to see and respond to updates via e-mail, or only on the website.

How much does Nextdoor cost?
There is no charge for an Arcadia resident to participate in their neighborhood site.

How is Nextdoor different from a neighborhood mailing list?
Nextdoor is designed for the specific communication needs of a neighborhood. For example, Nextdoor websites include a neighborhood map and directory, and a catalogued list of recommendations for local services. Members can choose to receive e-mails about each new post, see everything in a daily digest, or turn off e-mails and check the website for new posts from neighbors.

What is the City’s involvement in Nextdoor?
The City will have the ability to post information on an Arcadia neighborhood site; however; the City cannot view discussions that take place outside of those related to the City post. Information the City will share with neighborhoods – individually or collectively – might include that relate area street projects, event announcements, crime prevention and safety tips, and emergency bulletins.

How do I get started?
Go to Nextdoor.com and put in your address to see if your neighborhood is already established. If not, define your neighborhood, invite your neighbors to the group, and get the discussion going! The website includes step-by-step instructions for getting started – it’s easy! Please note that for optimal participation and success, it is recommended that your neighborhood have between 250 and 2,500 properties.

Follow Nextdoor on Twitter @Nextdoor or like them on Facebook.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Overnight Parking Enforcement Resumes Tonight!

Just a reminder that Overnight Parking Enforcement resumes tonight. Annual permits can be purchased at City Hall and temporary permits are always available online, or at the kiosk to the front of the police station. There is no street parking without a permit between 2:30-5:30 a.m. in the City of Arcadia.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Two Arrested for Residential Burglary Thursday Morning

The following News Release came out this afternoon, after some great cooperation between both reporting residents, witnesses, Sierra Madre and Arcadia Police Officers, leading to a double arrest for Residential Burglary! We are all in this together...if you See Something, Say Something!

Incident: Residential Burglary Arrests

Contact: Watch Commander- (626) 574-5156

Date/Time of Press Release: January 5, 2017- 5:00 PM

On Thursday, January 5, 2017, at approximately 10:30 AM, officers responded to the report of an audible alarm sounding in a north residential area of the city. Officers located the source of the alarm and discovered a burglary to the residence had occurred. As the incident was being investigated, numerous alert citizens reported that two males were seen running through the yards of several residences. A perimeter was established and the two males were arrested.

Suspect Jayshawn McKnight, 27-years old of Los Angeles and Javon McKnight, a 30- year old transient, were arrested for suspicion of Residential Burglary. Both are being held in custody on $50,000.00 bail each.

This incident is being investigated by Arcadia Police Department Detectives. Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at (626) 574-5151, reference case #17-0064. If you prefer to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime Stoppers” at 800-222-TIPS (8477), or use your smartphone by downloading “P3 MOBILE APP” on Google Play or the App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.

Robert T. Guthrie Chief of Police

By: K. Pedersen Operations Sergeant

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. The last week or so of 2016 was filled with arrests of folks taking the bait and stealing GPS bait packages from porches of Arcadia homes. The four incidents below were some of the bait package activity and almost all of the arrests lead to additional charges such as probation or narcotics violations. This has been a common factor in many of the bait package arrests leading to additional charges and discovery of other crimes.

Robert W. Rouse, a 52-year-old male from Monrovia and Livier Ramirez, a 35-year-old female from Pico Rivera were arrested on December 23, 2016.

Paul R. Halpin, a 29-year-old male from Long Beach and Raquel A. Rodriguez, a 34-year-old female from Whittier were arrested on December 27, 2016.

Agustin Pargas, a 39-year-old male from Duarte was arrested on December 28, 2016.

Mark J. Espejo, a 38-year-old male and Angel Arturo, a 32-year-old male, both from El Monte, were arrested on December 28, 2016.

Each of these suspects were booked at the Arcadia City Jail for felony Grand Theft charges. Four of them faced additional felony charges.

Anyone with information on any of these incidents is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at 626-574-5156. Or, if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app on Google play or the App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.

Weekly Activity Highlights for December 25 - 31, 2016


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Weekly Tip - Get Your Annual Overnight Parking Permits

A reminder that permits are required for all overnight parking on City streets, 2:30 - 5:30 a.m., in the City of Arcadia. Overnight enforcement was suspended for several weeks surrounding the holidays, however, enforcement begins again the morning of January 9, 2017. Permits will again be required this coming Sunday night, January 8th.

Temporary permits can be purchased online or at the kiosk to the front of the station. Annual permits are available for purchase at the Cashier's Office, Arcadia City Hall. For additional information or to download an Annual Permit Application, please visit our website.